Dr. Stanislav Ivanov is currently Professor and Vice-Rector (Research) at Varna University of Management, Bulgaria (http://www.vum.bg) and Director of Zangador Research Institute (https://www.zangador.institute/en/), Bulgaria.
Prof. Ivanov is the Founder and (Co-)Editor-in-chief of two academic journals: European Journal of Tourism Research (http://ejtr.vumk.eu), indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, and ROBONOMICS: The Journal of the Automated Economy (https://journal.robonomics.science).
Additionally, he serves on the Editorial boards of over 30 other journals. He has (co-)authored over 220 publications in the fields of robonomics, robots/artificial intelligence/automation in tourism/hospitality, the economics of technology, revenue management, political issues in tourism, tourism economics, etc. His publications have appeared in different academic journals – Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism Management Perspectives, International Journal of Revenue Management, Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, Tourism Economics, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, and Technology in Society, among other journals.
His book co-edited with Craig Webster “Robots, Artificial Intelligence and Service Automation in Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality” was published by Emerald Publishing in 2019.
For more information about Prof. Ivanov please visit his personal website: http://www.stanislavivanov.com